You say you don't know who Los Straitjackets are?
They are a super surf rock band that re-capture the blazing thrill of the Ventures. Faces covered in Mexican wrestling masks, these guys deliver red hot guitar licks that are timeless. This is great stuff. Their official website now reports that their most recent effort with Eddy "THE CHIEF" Clearwater has been nominated for a Grammy!
Here is what the Handlebar has to say:
LOS STRAITJACKETS, February 25, 2004 (Wednesday)
Hold on to your Mexican wrestling masks, folks, we finally got 'em! At the top of our wish list for so long we can hardly believe it, this quartet of weirder-than-weird surf rock maniacs are at last making their first Handlebar appearance! For our true geek-rock fans (we're thinkin' Southern Culture, Red Elvises and Cigar Store Indians, to name a few), this is one of the must-see shows of 2004. Think Dick Dale on Telemundo or the The Ventures on vacation in Tijuana; it's instrumental surf-rock with a definite South-Of-The-Border feel (and look). Clad all in Mexican wrestling garb, the 'Jackets give you a show-within-a-show with their Broadway-ready choreography (well, maybe off-Off-Broadway) and beach-blistered hot licks! It may still be winter outside, but it's a Baja shindig at The Handlebar! 8:30 p.m. $10 (Add 50 cents sales tax)
Check out the following links:
Holiday Album At Amazon
Los Straitjackets At Amazon
2003 Christmas Tour Article at ChartAttack
Los Straitjackets News At Surfwax