What I thought I might suggest here is that you might take the time you might ordinarly use in listening to Internet Radio Music and instead listen to a great podcast that might help you at work or home.
Here are a few suggestions:
Want to understand what Stess is so that you might better manage it?
Listen to STRESS on RadioLab, an incredibly creative series from WNYC
Want to learn how to get sponsors or advertisers for your podcast?
Listen to a panel of experts explain how to monetize your podcast. It's on Doug Kaye's Gigavox network, so it's first class information you can use.
Want to learn why some ideas are more easily propogated than others?
Listen to Susan Blackmore explain how our minds and cultures are designed by natural selection acting on replicating information. (Also from Gigavox.)
This point is that we should periodically evaluate what we are doing with our time and determine what benefit it is bringing us. Even if we think something is working, we can still test one use of our time against another in hopes of some better payback. You might need your music to relax you. You might also get some benefit out of listening to a great podcast that presents just one idea you can carry forward into the rest of your day (or life.)