How to follow the top 50 Twitterers in South Carolina in Two Easy Steps

@10best, @absolutelytrue, @adamdesautels, @avfguy, @bigjonevans, @blankenship, @catalystadv, @cathyjo, @CoolMomguide, @Crazyonyou, @creativechick, @damienstevens, @dreamygiraffe, @geoffsurratt, @glenwoodfin, @gpittman, @gregsurratt, @heathersolos, @iron100, @jaredwsmith, @jasonbradford, @jasonyoung, @johnhawkinsrwn, @keeponwagging, @lspearmanii, @lydiabreakfast, @lynnftw, @mandiengram, @mcdzl, @mobilelifetoday, @moonvine, @nullvariable, @palmettoscoop, @rightwingnews, @robertstevenson, @robgodfrey, @rosebushdesigns, @sellphone, @shawnwood, @sherrybaker, @steve_gonzalez, @stevenpitts, @susanpreston, @tattooedmommie, @thebrandbuilder, @thestate, @thinkhammer, @tonymorganlive, @treypennington, @tvamy, @twitterkins
2) Go to and follow the instructions, pasting the list above into their big text box. Voila, you are now connected to the top 50 Twitters in South Carolina.
2) Go to and follow the instructions, pasting the list above into their big text box. Voila, you are now connected to the top 50 Twitters in South Carolina.